Thursday 22 July 2010

A before and after shot!

This is my second post for today but I had to share my distress with you (I very nearly cried when I saw it!)

Well this is the before shot (technically it's the after shot touched up - wish it was this easy to touch up in real life!) This is how my card looked until my 2 year old son got hold of my sponge daubers! And below you can see his 'creativity'!!!!! I found it just after I'd finished telling my dh how pleased I was with this card that had taken me ages to make (mainly as I kept changing my mind about the layout!).  As he sat in the naughty corner my little lad's face just screamed ''What have I done? I only did what you do Mummy! I love you''. It's hard not to melt when they look like that, I didn't melt but I think the rest of the family felt my wrath!

This card uses a freebie Crafty Sentiment digi image, isn't it gorgeous (without the green splodge!)? I used Papermania pink papers, my Leone ash branch punch, my Ek Success flower punches and I added a liquid pearl centre.

Well, before it was destroyed this card was for these challenges:

CAS-tastic - Summer inspiration
Fab'n'Funky - Reuse or recycle (I'm recycling the pink paper as it is actually a paper plane!)
Creative Cottage - Touchy Feely (I love the texture of that pearl and the flowers and leaves)


  1. Oh no, I don't think there's much chance of saving your card but at least he wants to craft like mummy,

  2. Awww Heather, such a pretty card, try saving it by placing some more flowers over the green, could act as a backdrop of leaves! and a beach ball in it's arm, as it's summer!

    Big Hugs Jo xxxx

  3. Such a cute take on the sketch and of course I love the image. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week.

  4. Oh dear ... poor lad - he was only being creative lol.. Thanks for joining us this week at Crafty Sentiments
    Lisa ;)

  5. Ooh, he's precious! I really like your choice of patterned paper and the pretty red flower to go along with the rabbit! Too cute.

  6. Aww! Don't call it "ruined", call it "Altered"! (-: And the Sentiment: How perfect... every time you see it, you'll be thinking of him! (-:
    Mail it to him! My kids used to LOVE getting mail!
    In other words, make the best of it... and encourage him to express his creativity! They're only so little for a very short time!

  7. Awwwwwwww, this is just adorable ... splotches and all!

  8. Too bad about your card, it was very cute! My boys know better than to touch any of my stuff, not that it stops them trying!
    Thanks for playing along with Fab N Funky

  9. Fab card, adorable, you need to get the boys crafting on their own away from your bits and bobs lol
    Thanks for playing along with Creative Cottages challenge this week
    Anne x
